AF Holding makes sure your products get tested properly for correct performance and safety:

Products undergo testing in order to acquire the needed certification. But the testing also serves other important areas as well. Testing can confirm the product’s function, check its reliability, and most importantly, evaluate its overall safety of use. The certifications basically inspire confidence in the consumer, by just letting them know that  your product is reliable, safe to use, and complies with all federal regulations.

AF Holding offers product testing for all industries and their products. We pre-test all products before we apply for the product’s certification, so we can avoid costly testing failures. This testing provides security to your retail customer, and ultimately their consumer, with regard to the quality of your products.

AF Holding’s overseas laboratories are either government-operated or authorized. There are no middle-men involved, assuring you the fastest possible service for the lowest possible cost. All steps of our testing processes adhere precisely to all protocols. All our testing is carefully supervised, monitored, and performed in highly controlled conditions every step of the way, in order to bring  you accurate, true, and successful results, the first time we test.

AF Holding offers the necessary supervision, standards, and execution. You can manufacture your product to conform to certification requirements during your pre-production stage of manufacturing, rather than undergo any resulting costly and time-consuming changes during the actual-production process.